Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunday Full Moon in Scorpio


Soooooooo for your knowledge bank...Namaste is a greeting used in India which means "I Honor the Light Within You". As many of you know...I have used this word and it's intended meaning for the past 40 years and mean what I say when I express it to all of you...you are all the Greatest Stars and your "Light Shines Within Me"...How else can we survive and grow on this planet called "Earth"?

Today the wind howls and the boat swaggers on the clear crystal water. Yelena and I are spooning under the covers with the hatch opened to the wind. Romance and passion are so inspiring.

Sunday "Full Moon in Scorpio" will mark our 15,000 nautical milestone of 8 years 24hr a day of living on our Big Little Ship "Cardinal". We've been Pirates of the Caribbean from Venezuela to the Bahamas, Adventurers from WOW! We are happier than ever with goals focused on the future. We're going to have Brunch in Palm Beach dressed in elegant attire. Can you imagine...8 yrs living on a boat?

In this blog I am including a pic of Capt's Daniel, Yelena, & "Einstein" woof

Gotta go...



Monday, April 7, 2008

April Stars

Ahoy Earth Travelers and Artists...

Today I've decided to create a short Blog with a couple of pics of my own personal ART! My explanation of Fine ART has always been...that an inspired moment is brought to form in any medium by a singular spirited person with only self expression as a valued goal !

Does that make sense to you?

It is this creation of ART that inspires me to love and share on the planet.

I totally enjoy my Commercial ART in a different Light. This form of ART is inspired by others needs for creation and expression and my ability to interpret their imagination into physical form. Wow...this is fun too!

Sooooooooo...I present to you these pics of MY ART...inspired in my youth and hasn't changed since...still a "Mystic Symbolist" !



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fool On The Hill

Ahoy my fellow travelers on this planet Earth,

Soooooooo, I am going to do my best to post interesting concepts, ideas, thoughts, opinions, art, and fun!!!

As April Fool's Day is here I wanted to inform you all that the sky is falling...how stupid Daniel...Is this an Air Art joke...

Now on to my subjects of the day...

John Veltri (one of my favorite photographers...earthalive.com ) emailed me a photo of myself talking to Noel Redding (Jimi Hendrix Bassist) in Electric Lady Studios, Studio A...I'll try to post the photo...

As you might have read, Harriet (evening star), and Deborah Lotus were involved in my AIR ART event...there were many others whom we might hear from...where are you Ivone Rankin, or Chris or Gina, or Chanda or Kenny?...

Yelena and I finally have bought a car...we now have 2 feet on land willing to fulfill our rights for success...we drive to Palm Beach each Saturday reminding us of Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive. We visit the Galleries networking our concepts for profit...hopefully we will find our Angel Investor...

I've posted some photos of the Electric Lady Brochure I designed and produced with John Veltri photos...1973...hope you enjoy!

Planning on driving to Manhattan mid-June...

Have a Great April Fools Day


Fair Winds,


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Ahoy everyone,
OK...this Blog adventure into the experiences and productions in my life is unique...I'm sure you will enyoy the true stories, as much as, I love to share them...some of you were very much a part of living "The Cosmic Carnival" and "Going With The Flow" to "Follow My Bliss" and others of you hopefully will have fun taking the journey with me...enjoy!!!
Soooooooooo, today's Blog is about this Friday, March 21, 2008, the first day of Spring, Good Friday, the Vernal Equinox, Full Moon in Libra and the day I produced my 2nd "AIR ART" Show in the year 1972. I had a patron of the Arts, David Kapralik, a leprechan named Iliili (Sly & the Family Stones Personal Manager & VP Colombia Records) who was willing to seize the moment, take a chance, and put his money up in "Smoke". Deborah Steinfist, later to become Deborah Lotus, was the fabulous Public Relations Director. Now she is still amazing involved with Wellness and a teacher for "Bones for Life"! The Art was Etherial, Magical, and 5 miles large with a viewability of 35 mile radius. I hired Greg Stinis's "Sky Typers" from Long Beach, Cal. and we skywrote all 12 Astrological Signs over Griffith Park Observatory, Hollywood.

There was a loving blend of people at the observatory, that has an Astronomy statue of Copernicus, Galelio, and Kepler as you enter. You can see miles over Los Angeles. My first wife, Harriet (The Evening Star & Queen of Steve Paul's "The Scene" now living on a volcanic lake in Guatemala) was busy filming with her super 8 camera and my son Noel (editor at Lifetime Network, NYC) was busy climbing the statue. Audrey, Pepi, Janie, Ivonne-Gina-Chris, Carlos, and so many more looked to the skys over LA in facination as the Astological Symbols floated like clouds, as I intended, over the city. The happening was broadcasted over CBS, NBC and written about in the Newspapers. The sound of OM and the Breath of Life was all you could hear as the wind blew through your hair. Wow! What a great day and memory!
Fair Winds!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hendrix Electric Lady Bathroom Murals

Ahoy Bloggers,

Soooooo, what a unique pleasure it is to communicate to my old and new friends!

I just recieved a comment regarding my 2 collage murals "Sunburst" 8ft x 25ft and "Freedom" 8ft x 10ft created in 1970 in Electric Lady Studios (where I was the first night manager) and Jimi Hendrix was alive recording and sharing in the creation of my art. WOW! What a moment in history. The murals and recording studio are still on 8th Sreet, Greenwich Village 38 years later. I have had the honor of restoring the collages with the original images from magazine archive stores in 1999 and again (due to Minetta Creek running under the studio) in 2007. What a life! Who knew? I trust the images in the murals have brought celestial pleasure to all those fortunate enough to record or visit the studio. I have attached one of thousands of pics of people photographed in my "Sunburst" Murals. This one is of Niaomi Campbell modeling an Anna Sui design for a Vogue ad. ***Anyone out there who has been photograped in either of the murals I would appreciate them contacting me. I want to create a history, book, or exhibit in tribute to Jimi Hendrix.
Be prepared for more biographical amazing experiences in future blogs...

In regards to my heritage, yes, Lily Blumenau, the hand loomer, is my aunt. She is part of the permanent exhibits at the American Craft Museum of the Museum of Modern Art, NYC. I spoke with Jack Lenore Larsen who even brought some yarn from different countries to use in her weavings. Her fame is that Lily was the first abstract weaver of the 1950's, taught at The New School on 13th Street, Greenwich Village, NYC, and her books remain pleasurable and informative to this day. My brother and I own many original pieces of her Art. In my youth I enjoyed many hours sitting next to her while she created her weavings.

We are a family of artists creating new visions and bringing those images to form.

Have Fun, Smile, Breath and Be Happy

Daniel Blumenau

Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome to the official Daniel Blumenau Blog

Let me introduce myself, I am Daniel Blumenau, artist. My accomplishments include:

Creation of the album cover for Stevie Wonder's album "Music of my Mind"
, creation of the much photographed bathroom at Jimi Hendrixs famous studio "Electric Lady" and founder of the successful NYC firm - Blumenau Communications