Saturday, March 22, 2008


Ahoy everyone,
OK...this Blog adventure into the experiences and productions in my life is unique...I'm sure you will enyoy the true stories, as much as, I love to share them...some of you were very much a part of living "The Cosmic Carnival" and "Going With The Flow" to "Follow My Bliss" and others of you hopefully will have fun taking the journey with me...enjoy!!!
Soooooooooo, today's Blog is about this Friday, March 21, 2008, the first day of Spring, Good Friday, the Vernal Equinox, Full Moon in Libra and the day I produced my 2nd "AIR ART" Show in the year 1972. I had a patron of the Arts, David Kapralik, a leprechan named Iliili (Sly & the Family Stones Personal Manager & VP Colombia Records) who was willing to seize the moment, take a chance, and put his money up in "Smoke". Deborah Steinfist, later to become Deborah Lotus, was the fabulous Public Relations Director. Now she is still amazing involved with Wellness and a teacher for "Bones for Life"! The Art was Etherial, Magical, and 5 miles large with a viewability of 35 mile radius. I hired Greg Stinis's "Sky Typers" from Long Beach, Cal. and we skywrote all 12 Astrological Signs over Griffith Park Observatory, Hollywood.

There was a loving blend of people at the observatory, that has an Astronomy statue of Copernicus, Galelio, and Kepler as you enter. You can see miles over Los Angeles. My first wife, Harriet (The Evening Star & Queen of Steve Paul's "The Scene" now living on a volcanic lake in Guatemala) was busy filming with her super 8 camera and my son Noel (editor at Lifetime Network, NYC) was busy climbing the statue. Audrey, Pepi, Janie, Ivonne-Gina-Chris, Carlos, and so many more looked to the skys over LA in facination as the Astological Symbols floated like clouds, as I intended, over the city. The happening was broadcasted over CBS, NBC and written about in the Newspapers. The sound of OM and the Breath of Life was all you could hear as the wind blew through your hair. Wow! What a great day and memory!
Fair Winds!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, db.........what a blast from the past. Seeing that photo of you holding up Libra. Bloggers out there.....known and unknown, i took that photo. What a day it was! I have known this man since he was 18 years old, was married to him and we have a son. He is a brilliant artist and a true genius in the art of collage. But, skywriting the astrological signs over LA was the real fun stuff. I don't know why he hasn't mentioned it, but he had the OM symbol skwritten over Manhattan. Just brilliant. That's db.
Evening Star