Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fool On The Hill

Ahoy my fellow travelers on this planet Earth,

Soooooooo, I am going to do my best to post interesting concepts, ideas, thoughts, opinions, art, and fun!!!

As April Fool's Day is here I wanted to inform you all that the sky is falling...how stupid Daniel...Is this an Air Art joke...

Now on to my subjects of the day...

John Veltri (one of my favorite photographers...earthalive.com ) emailed me a photo of myself talking to Noel Redding (Jimi Hendrix Bassist) in Electric Lady Studios, Studio A...I'll try to post the photo...

As you might have read, Harriet (evening star), and Deborah Lotus were involved in my AIR ART event...there were many others whom we might hear from...where are you Ivone Rankin, or Chris or Gina, or Chanda or Kenny?...

Yelena and I finally have bought a car...we now have 2 feet on land willing to fulfill our rights for success...we drive to Palm Beach each Saturday reminding us of Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive. We visit the Galleries networking our concepts for profit...hopefully we will find our Angel Investor...

I've posted some photos of the Electric Lady Brochure I designed and produced with John Veltri photos...1973...hope you enjoy!

Planning on driving to Manhattan mid-June...

Have a Great April Fools Day


Fair Winds,


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