Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hendrix Electric Lady Bathroom Murals

Ahoy Bloggers,

Soooooo, what a unique pleasure it is to communicate to my old and new friends!

I just recieved a comment regarding my 2 collage murals "Sunburst" 8ft x 25ft and "Freedom" 8ft x 10ft created in 1970 in Electric Lady Studios (where I was the first night manager) and Jimi Hendrix was alive recording and sharing in the creation of my art. WOW! What a moment in history. The murals and recording studio are still on 8th Sreet, Greenwich Village 38 years later. I have had the honor of restoring the collages with the original images from magazine archive stores in 1999 and again (due to Minetta Creek running under the studio) in 2007. What a life! Who knew? I trust the images in the murals have brought celestial pleasure to all those fortunate enough to record or visit the studio. I have attached one of thousands of pics of people photographed in my "Sunburst" Murals. This one is of Niaomi Campbell modeling an Anna Sui design for a Vogue ad. ***Anyone out there who has been photograped in either of the murals I would appreciate them contacting me. I want to create a history, book, or exhibit in tribute to Jimi Hendrix.
Be prepared for more biographical amazing experiences in future blogs...

In regards to my heritage, yes, Lily Blumenau, the hand loomer, is my aunt. She is part of the permanent exhibits at the American Craft Museum of the Museum of Modern Art, NYC. I spoke with Jack Lenore Larsen who even brought some yarn from different countries to use in her weavings. Her fame is that Lily was the first abstract weaver of the 1950's, taught at The New School on 13th Street, Greenwich Village, NYC, and her books remain pleasurable and informative to this day. My brother and I own many original pieces of her Art. In my youth I enjoyed many hours sitting next to her while she created her weavings.

We are a family of artists creating new visions and bringing those images to form.

Have Fun, Smile, Breath and Be Happy

Daniel Blumenau


Anonymous said...

Hello Daniel. It's Joe. Glad to see you're blogging. I just never seem to have the time nor am I ever able to find the right words to type!

Anonymous said...

Great Daniel!

but to me you will always be Daniel Montage a real original, who augmented his artist´s earnings with sometimes driving cab in the streets of Manhattan with a bouquet of American beauty roses in the front seat which he bestowed on his lucky passengers for whom he sometimes also provided magical mystery tours!
I will write more, later, here from sunny Mexico where I am about to embark on a ¨Bones for Life¨ Training Program for 25 trainees who want to help people the natural movement way to strong bones, good posture and biological optimism!
All of the Zest,

Deborah Elizabeth Lotus aka Steinfirst,
back in the heyday of Electric Lady, when I first met Daniel, a true renaissance man, then and now!

Rebecca said...

Hi Daniel,

I just came across your blog while doing research on Lili Blumenau. You may not be checking this--it looks like it's been a while since you last posted--but I'm wondering if you would be willing to contact me.

I'm writing my thesis on fiber art in the U.S., 1950-80, and Lili comes up quite a bit. I'm hoping to make some solid connections, but unfortunately, there isn't much out there on her and the studio except for her many writings.

Pure+Applied said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm working on an exhibition of Modernist designers and trying to find out additional details about Lili Blumenau. Would you be able to help me please? Thanks for any help you can provide. Please contact me at (Urshula)